Serenity Prayer
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference.
Welcome to Metro Milwaukee S.L.A.A.
You are not alone
The Metro Milwaukee SLAA Group has been meeting every Saturday Morning from 10:00 until 11:30 for over 25 years. Our meetings are closed to all but those seeking support with their addictive behavior. This is in accordance with the 3rd Tradition which states, "The only requirement for S.L.A.A. membership is a desire to stop living out a pattern of sex and love addiction".
While we are not affiliated with any church or religion, we do meet in person at
Lake Park Lutheran Church
2647 N. Stowell Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53211
We also hold our meetings online through Zoom. Please call 414-295-9990 for information on the link, or if you need to speak with someone and leave a confidential message.
The information provided on this site is provided by our group as a community service for the addict who still suffers in the Milwaukee area. We want to assure you that there are addicts who are willing to help you in this area.
Our Group does not speak for all of S.L.A.A. This website is not the official S.L.A.A. Fellowship-Wide Services (F.W.S.) website. We are autonomous except in matters affecting other Groups or S.L.A.A. as a whole.
You may also visit the official S.L.A.A F.W.S Website at